Sunday, July 31, 2011

The simplest things in life are best

Last few weeks has been pretty interesting…I have seen almost everything…different emotions…feeling of despair…agony…Followed by patches of happiness…unexpected joys…nixed with little apprehensions…almost every available emotions present in human dictionary…

After all these…roller coaster rides…I think still have the zeal to live it for a better tomorrow…just like the good old days…Just trying to keep it simple…

Remembered a old poem from the great Ruskin bond…sharing it..hoping it would touch your someway…

The simplest things in life are best-
A patch of green,
A small bird’s nest,
A drink of water, fresh and cold,
The taste of bread,
A song of old;
These are the things that matter most.
The laughter of a child,
A favorite book,
Flowers growing wild,
A cricket singing in a shady nook.
A ball that bounces high!
A summer shower,
A rainbow in the sky,
The touch of a loving hand,
And time to rest-
These simple things in life are best.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Walking again

Just when I thought..I have nothing to expect from life..after all these lonely nights...sitting on staircases...waiting...some calls just never come...

Just saw an angel...when she touches...I forget my pain...when she talks..its like spring time in downtown Bangalore...sheer bliss...

Looks like my forgotten dreams are coming back...
I can smell those lovely jasmines again...silent night is intoxicating...I can again feel that same old rush..same old feeling long lost...

I have started walking again...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Loneliness within me

The loneliness within me
Takes a heavy toll
'Cause it burns as slow as whiskey through an empty aching soul
And the night is like a dagger
Long and cold and sharp
As I sit here on the front steps
Blowing smoke rings in the dark